
Advancing Medicine with Technology & AI

Addressing soft tissue gunshot wounds with innovative AI-assisted diagnostics

The Role of 3D Imaging and Thermal Imaging

Graphic illustrating gunshot wounds in conflict zones

3D imaging has become a vital part of modern surgery. By creating detailed model of a patient anatomy, it allows surgeons to simulate complex procedures before entering the operating room. This precision-focused approach reduces risks, ensures accuracy, and significantly improves patient outcomes.
Meanwhile, thermal imaging provides critical insights by detecting temperature variations in tissue. It helps identify inflammation, infection, and blood flow issues, making it a crucial tool for managing wounds, monitoring recovery, and planning surgeries. Its ability to confirm that tissues are healthy and ready for reconstruction enhances the effectiveness of surgical outcomes.
While both technologies are widely used, we want to integrate them into a single, combined tool.

The Need for Integration: Lessons from the Current Crisis

The ongoing war in Ukraine has brought attention to the challenges of treating soft tissue gunshot wounds, which make up approximately 58% of all injuries. Around 23% of these patients require reconstructive surgeries to address extensive tissue defects, particularly in joint areas.

Developing a comprehensive diagnostic software incorporating:

  • 3D scanning of wounds
  • Thermal imaging to analyze microcirculation
  • Ultrasound Doppler sonography to assess central blood supply

This solution will help model wound closure and evaluate limb functionality, paving the way for improved plastic surgery outcomes.

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Small Interactive Demo

Correct the image by moving the squares to resemble the image on the right.


Broadening Applications

This integrated approach also has potential beyond trauma care. For example, it could be applied to post-mastectomy reconstruction, helping to model missing breast tissue and guide the selection of reconstruction methods.